Almost no family is immune from treason. Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to overcome attraction to another person, and many succumb to momentary passion. But sometimes you have to pay too high a price for your decision, and a rash step can lead to divorce and long years of regret and anguish. What pushes a person to commit adultery, can it be prevented?

Of course, sometimes love really leaves the relationship between spouses and it makes sense to seriously consider the possibility of separation. But how not to confuse passion and a meaningless attraction with a bell, which indicates that the time has come to radically change your life?
Why do people cheat
Very often, a husband or wife begins to show interest in other people in those moments when the family is in crisis. The main trials that almost any family goes through are crises of three and seven years, the birth of a child and the "empty nest syndrome", when children leave the parental home and begin an independent adult life. During a crisis, the family system must reach a new level, and the husband and wife must find a new depth of relationship. But any crisis is not only a step forward, but also a difficult psychological test, during which all accumulated problems emerge, and sometimes it seems that it is easier to give up the struggle and just start a new romance with another person. That is why, when a family is in crisis, the intention may arise to start life from scratch.
But this behavior is erroneous, because leaving the family is often not a solution to the problem, but is a way to abandon the test. Therefore, in a new relationship, there is a great risk of repeating the same scenario - at the first difficulties, a person will simply look for another partner and start all over again.
Cheating due to the monotony of family life
Sometimes a passion for another can arise as a reaction to the monotonous sexual life in marriage or due to the mismatch of the sexual temperaments of the spouses. If warm relations reign in the family, and the husband and wife fully trust each other, then this kind of problem should be solved by expressing mutual expectations and willingness to meet the partner halfway. Otherwise, for example, if one of the spouses considers the other's problems as ordinary whims and nagging, there is a high risk that the dissatisfied partner will try to find sexual satisfaction on the side.
How not to cheat and resist temptation
In the event that one of the spouses begins to experience an irresistible passion and a desire to cheat on his second half, the reasons for this desire should be carefully analyzed. Maybe the husband wants to relax and take a break from the problems that have accumulated in connection with the recent appearance of a child in the family? Or does one of the spouses do not want any experiments in bed, and the other constantly feels dissatisfied? At the same time, the real reason for the desire to change will not be a feeling that has arisen on the side, but banal fatigue or inability to listen to a loved one. If at this moment your intentions are realized, then there is a great risk of destroying the family, and it will be impossible to fix anything in the future.
Knowing what prompts a person to commit adultery, you can preserve marriage, love and family happiness without hurting anyone.