The speech of modern youth is varied and distorted by a variety of words that we do not understand, so we call such speech slang. Youth slang is considered to be a special form of the language of adolescents. The slang expression we have heard shows how much the upbringing of young people differs from ours, besides, it is not always clear to parents and others where such a strange jargon comes from.

Who comes up with such strange words that we often hear from teenagers? The answer is simple - they come up with them themselves, thereby more and more replenishing their slang stock. They use this terminology for a more specific and understandable explanation of what is happening.
It is noteworthy that linguists claim that slang words appear strictly at a certain time and most accurately reflect reality. Even the smartest and most well-read people are amazed by the slang words, because there are really a lot of them.
Why does slang appear?
According to psychologists, there may be several reasons for slang. Being in adolescence, a teenager in any way tries to stand out from the crowd and somehow distinguish himself from everyone else. And now slang words come to his aid, which, of course, only those who are part of his circle of communication understand. Someone is trying to shock others through slang, while someone simply expresses protest against the society in which they live.
Also, the reason for the appearance of slang words is the poor vocabulary. Today, as you know, technical progress has taken over everything, which has an extremely negative effect on people, especially on degrading adolescents. Instead of developing mentally and striving for knowledge, adolescents prefer to spend their free time at the computer and TV.
How to cultivate culture in a child
As strange as it may sound, the problem must be looked for in the parents. It is necessary to carefully monitor whether they themselves use such words with children. Even if these words appear quite rarely, you still need to stop using them.
It is possible that after your detailed explanation, the child himself will understand that the use of such words is extremely meaningless. But do not wean a child from slang with rudeness, because his use of slang words is a difficult transition period.
Also, do not prohibit the use of slang expressions harshly, as this can bring a backlash, which, moreover, will be accompanied by a deterioration in relations with the child. It is better to approach such a problem from the other side and, having patience, explain to your child all the harm of slang expressions.