Constantly expressing love to a loved one is very important for any couple, no matter how long you have been together. For those who are just starting a joint path, this is necessary to lay the foundation for the stability of future relationships, for those who have been together for a long time, this allows you to maintain the fire of love.

Love for a loved one
Step 1
There are many ways to express your love. Cook your spouse a delicious dinner of your favorite foods. Show him how you appreciate him, how you want to please him.
Step 2
Get out to your spouse's favorite place often. If you know about the existence of such a place, plan a joint trip there. After all, even if you would like to go to another place, the fact that the person close to you will be radiant with happiness will undoubtedly cheer you up.
Step 3
Ask your spouse what gives him the most pleasure, what your actions or words are. And do or say it more often. Your partner will be quite surprised at how often you want to please him and show your love to you mutually.
Step 4
You can express your love with public rewards and compliments (although you shouldn't forget about them in private). This will increase your partner's self-esteem and make him feel your love in a double volume. Don't hide your feelings in front of others.
Step 5
Always look your loved one in the eye when addressing him. In this way, you show him how much he means to you. Judge for yourself, when you listen with one ear to what your spouse is saying to you, and with the other ear - a radio report from a football match, this can hardly be called a manifestation of love.