If you really love a man, and you want him to feel it, you need to follow a few simple rules, and your relationship will be long and romantic.

Step 1
Praise your chosen one, this is necessary for the man to feel that you appreciate him.
Step 2
Before a man returns home, take care of your appearance, fix your hair, refresh your face, he will notice it and understand that you did it especially for him.
Step 3
Be genuinely interested in your lover's hobbies. Take the time to learn a little more about the subject of his hobby (you can use the Internet or read the relevant literature) and, on occasion, you can pleasantly surprise him with your savvy.
Step 4
Trust your chosen one. A man needs to feel that you believe in his talent, strength, intelligence. Try to readily accept what he has to offer.
Step 5
Write down the wishes of your husband, he will definitely notice this and will treat your requests with the same attentiveness.
Step 6
Create a calendar of your memorable events and give it to your man. Oddly enough, a huge amount of accurate information regarding measurements, distances, etc. is kept in a man's head, but important dates are somehow not remembered. Thanks to such a calendar, he will not forget a single important date, and will feel much more confident.
Step 7
Support a man if he is in a difficult situation, as a rule, the stronger half does not like to admit his weaknesses or failures, you must tactfully, but persistently, show him that he is not alone, and you are happy to support him at any time. He will appreciate it.
Step 8
Encourage the man to take action, but you need to do this gradually, almost invisibly.
Step 9
The mind of a man is arranged somewhat differently than that of a woman, they take everything literally, if you plan for a man to do something for you, clearly formulate your request. Wishes veiled with romantic allusions, he simply will not understand.
Step 10
Even in everyday little things, create conditions when your husband will see that you need him - this will give him a sense of confidence.