What Is The Main Advantage For Men Over Women?

What Is The Main Advantage For Men Over Women?
What Is The Main Advantage For Men Over Women?

If you ask people who is better, a man or a woman, countless arguments will begin on this matter, because each of the sexes can give many arguments in favor of its own. Men like being a stronger sex, just like women like to feel weak and defenseless.

What is the main advantage for men over women?
What is the main advantage for men over women?

The strength and actions of a man

Being a man is better than being a woman, for the reason that a man usually has the right to take the first step. Men, as a rule, decide for themselves whether to approach a woman or not, to call back or not after the first date. The woman is left to wait for the man's decision, being at the same time in agony. Men behave more decisively at work, and also know how to take responsibility for the decisions and actions taken. More often than not, men are more successful in their careers and achieve greater heights.

In addition, a man can fix almost anything that is broken in his home. This is an amazing fact, but for this he absolutely does not need to complete any courses and lessons, he is able to figure everything out on his own.

It is also worth noting that men are less likely to be afraid of something, for example, a flying insect, hitchhiking, or walking back down a dark alley all alone. A woman cannot cope on her own if she needs to carry a heavy bag or move furniture. The main advantage of a man is that he is physically stronger. Even this fact alone can arouse a woman's interest in a man, in his power and strength. A man can be judged for his actions.

Even if he just gives up his seat on the bus or helps the girl carry heavy bags of groceries home, this act will be noticed and appreciated.

Attitude to the appearance of a man

It is worth noting such an advantage of a man as an unbiased attitude of others to his appearance, he is forgiven for uncouthness, the smell of tobacco, bad habits and much more. The presence of all this in the weaker sex would cause confusion and condemnation. Men are generally less worried about their appearance, they just need to wash, shave and comb, while a woman has to do a lot of procedures to look attractive. A man's sense of humor, his charisma and charm - often for the stronger sex, this is all enough to enjoy success with women. A man can remain attractive even into old age, while a woman's beauty fades much faster. Often a man's age and experience will increase his chances of being interesting to a woman. The stronger sex does not see anything provocative in taking off a T-shirt or some other piece of clothing if it is hot. No one will blame him for this, therefore, men rarely worry about what others will think of them.
