It is necessary to choose the right age for marriage. So that it is not too early, but it is not worth delaying either. There is no definite moment when girls become ready for this. But there is a period when the chance for a happy family life increases.

From 16 to 18 years old, young people can only get married with the permission of their parents. But at this age, girls are not ready for the birth of a child for psychological and physiological reasons. In addition, newlyweds usually live with their parents, because it is difficult to find a good job at this age. Family problems are also not easy - there is not enough responsibility, thrift and the ability to seek compromises. Teenage hormones make it difficult to resolve conflicts peacefully, and not everyone will enjoy spending their free time in the family routine.
Brides from 18 to 23 years old are usually still in university. At this age, girls are distinguished by good health and good physical development, which will help to conceive and give birth to a child without any problems. In addition to this, you already have life experience, responsibility and there is freedom in financial terms. Solving family problems is easier because of the flexibility of character. At this age, marriage is easier, they marry for great love or because of pregnancy.
After 23 years and up to 30 women approach marriage more seriously. The bride knows her desires and dreams, has achieved many things in life and can devote herself to the family. There is a financial base and health for the birth of a child. But often women give up marriage for a career.
But you should not get married just because the age has come or because of the pressure of loved ones. This decision must be made on your own.
It's late, but you can still
From 30 to 40 years old, women fully realized in life, made a career and think about family in order to avoid loneliness. They learned how to do all the household chores - from cooking to solving plumbing problems. But at this age it is already more difficult to bear and give birth to a healthy child. There are fewer and fewer worthy men around - they are already married or do not want to start a family. And the older people get, the more difficult it is to adapt to another person and find compromises.
After 40 years, a happy marriage is still possible. But the woman has accumulated her own baggage of experience, often negative, which prevents her from getting along with a man. Living alone for many years makes it difficult to get used to the presence of another person.
It is believed that late marriages are the most stable and strongest.
When to get married
The optimal age for marriage is from 23 to 30, when a woman is psychologically and physically ready to create a full-fledged family. It is important to understand the seriousness of this step and not rush into the pool with your head. Before getting married, it is better to live together for a while in order to understand if you are suitable for each other.