Before meeting his parents, the guy will most likely introduce you to his friends. The event is no less serious and responsible than meeting his parents. After all, many of the men listen to the opinions of their close friends. Therefore, what impression you make on his friends matters a lot.

Step 1
Think carefully about your outfit, in which you appear in front of his friends. Don't dress too lightly. You should not wear too short skirts and dresses with a deep neckline, do not open the maximum of the body. But don't go from one extreme to another and dress like a guy. Try to look pretty and feminine.
Step 2
When a person finds himself in a new company, it is quite logical that he strives to always be close to a person with whom they are well acquainted. However, in the case of meeting a guy's friends, this can turn against you. This is because if, instead of chatting with his friends and keeping up a conversation, you sit next to your boyfriend and be silent all evening, you will hardly be able to please his friends. Do not forget that you are an independent person. Show your man and his friends that you are an interesting versatile person and can easily find a common language with everyone.
Step 3
It is worth trying to really make friends with his friends. And not only your common interests can help you with this, but also standard topics. For example, you can ask them how they all met. If you show a genuine interest in your boyfriend's friends, they'll definitely appreciate it.
Step 4
You need to be ready for anything. After all, you don’t know your young man’s friends, which means you don’t know what style of communication they prefer. Therefore, you should be careful and act according to the situation. Try to make the most of your interactions with them. There is no need to stick to your phone, openly demonstrating that you are bored in the company of your man's friends.
Step 5
If there are both guys and girls in the company of your young man, then try to communicate equally with both. Of course, it will be easier for you to find a common language with girls. However, you need to keep up the conversation with the guys. After all, it is their opinion that your boyfriend will ultimately listen to. If your man's friends have wives or girlfriends, try to behave as correctly and decently as possible. There is no need to flirt and flirt with such friends.
Step 6
Don't ask your boyfriend's friends about his ex-girlfriends and relationships. Of course, his friends are aware of all his love victories. But you don't need to elicit all the personal details the first time you meet with friends. Then they may decide that you are just using them to find out about your boyfriend's past.