How To Get To Know Each Other Better

How To Get To Know Each Other Better
How To Get To Know Each Other Better

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Early marriages, the number of divorces, constant quarrels and disturbances in the child's psyche - all this, oddly enough, is the result of the fact that during courtship people do not acquire enough knowledge about each other. This does not necessarily mean that their marriage was hasty - the couple may have known each other for a long time, and have met for more than one year, but still not know each other fully. To prevent this from happening, you need to keep in mind some useful tips for those who meet. Then your relationship will be successful.

How to get to know each other better
How to get to know each other better


Step 1

Watch. If you are in the mood for a long-term relationship, then you need to be patient and not lose your head from falling in love. Before rushing to develop a relationship, take a close look at who you like and their behavior. His relationship with his parents and choice of friends can tell a lot. So you can see your chosen one in a relaxed natural setting.

Step 2

Don't promise. Very often, lovers develop relationships too quickly, swear in eternal love, and then marry only because they have already said a lot of things and, it seems, it is not convenient to talk about their doubts, and even more so to step back.

Step 3

Don't be afraid to be frank and encourage your partner to be frank. Do not hide your opinion and point of view when discussing important issues. Firstly, secrecy is dishonest in relation to your possible future soul mate, and, secondly, the truth will still come to light and it is better to let it happen now than after the wedding. Ask each other as many questions as possible. Discuss the difficulties that may arise and possible solutions.

Step 4

Think about dates. Of course, sitting in the last row in the cinema and kissing selflessly is much more pleasant than cleaning an apartment or shopping together. But, doing household chores together, you will get used to each other in a normal environment, which will deepen your knowledge of each other.

Step 5

Do not hurry. Only time can reveal the pros and cons of each of you, so it should be enough and the pastime should be of high quality. Psychologists assure that the optimal courtship period is one and a half years. Of course, each case is different, but the essence remains the same - it takes time for a happy and lasting marriage.
