Modern man is less and less striving to start his own family. Moreover, we are talking about both men and the fair sex. There may be several reasons for this.

Step 1
Different life priorities. For some, the first place is not family, but career. They are so absorbed in professional growth and improving their own well-being that they simply have no time to think about getting a husband or wife, let alone children. And it is not at all a bad thing that the individual is honest with himself and chooses the path of life according to his taste. But it happens that after a certain number of years, a person seems to wake up from a dream, move away from the race for career heights and understand that there are no loved ones next to him. It's good if it's not too late to start a family. Otherwise, the individual runs the risk of meeting old age without the support of relatives.
Step 2
Personal preferences can also play a role in how a person builds their lives. Not everyone likes a home, evenings with family and quiet happiness. Give some new acquaintances, stormy impressions, frequent travel. They lead a completely different lifestyle, more active and independent. For some people, this period ends already in their youth, others remain forever young in soul. Sometimes a profession leaves an imprint on how a person lives. This is especially true for creative people and scientists.
Step 3
The reason why a person does not want to start a family may be banal selfishness. People who are fixated only on themselves are often simply not able to devote themselves to their family - spouse or spouse, children, grandchildren. They don't understand how they can spend time and energy building long-term relationships, let alone marriage. The maximum that individuals of this type can afford is to have a pet and easy romances. Although, it may turn out that such a person will fall in love seriously, after which he will radically change his outlook on life.
Step 4
The reluctance of a modern person to start a family is not always associated with internal, personal reasons. Sometimes the level of well-being is the deciding factor. If a young guy lives in a rented apartment and barely makes up for his salary, he may even be afraid to think about becoming the main family and taking responsibility for his wife and children. At least until his financial situation changes. He is not provided with the most necessary things - housing and livelihood. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to get on their feet in their youth, and in maturity, the need for marriage sometimes somehow disappears by itself.