When choosing a life partner, it is important to be guided not only by sympathy, but also by the presence of similar life values. Eastern sages called this condition "the ability to look in one direction." More pragmatic Western psychologists adhere to the formulation "similar attitude to moral and material."

- - dating service;
- - photos;
- - computer;
- - telephone.
Step 1
If you do not have enough time to place ads in newspapers of the relevant subject or fill out questionnaires on websites, contact the dating service. When choosing an agency, be guided not by pretty promises, but by the reviews of real clients. Unfortunately, there are quite a few charlatans among such companies who do not know how to do anything other than presenting their own services.
Step 2
Fill out the form, take some photos. If the dating service is professional, you will be offered a test. Don't refuse, there is nothing wrong with that. To choose a potential life partner, you need to know your psychological profile.
Step 3
Meet with those applicants with whom an understanding arose during correspondence or talking on the phone. No matter how cute the girl is, if you have experienced difficulties at such an early stage, it is better not to waste any further time. It makes sense to meet in neutral territory; don't take a lady out on a first date at the movies. It is better to visit the opening day so that you can discuss what you saw and share your impressions while watching the paintings. Alternatively, just sit in a cafe.
Step 4
Listen to your companion, encouraging more detailed stories about your life. The more you learn, the sooner you will know if this is your person. You shouldn't ask any provocative questions, the conversation can flow in an absolutely free channel. For a first date, the main thing is that you want to meet again. If this happened, then, consciously or subconsciously, the girl interested you.
Step 5
Ask more specific questions during the second and third meetings. Do not rush to an intimate relationship, even if you really want to. When choosing a life partner, it is important that you make friends first. No matter how trite it may sound, but the period when you have a strong sexual attraction to each other, but still do not sleep together is the most romantic and memorable.