Harmony between a man and a woman should become the basis of family ties. The feelings of partners are called to develop in marriage, and not break down and fade away, bringing dissatisfaction and unhappiness. To meet a life partner, you first need to understand yourself.

Step 1
Think about yourself, your worldview and character. Can you say with confidence that you have your own “core” and outlook on life? After all, marriage is a union of two people, the mutual interweaving of destinies and lives and a great responsibility. A lot depends on the relationship in marriage: health, well-being, success, etc.
Step 2
Eliminate your own contradictions. A person who is "stuck" in his selfish desires and false ideas about marriage is hardly able to determine exactly what kind of person he needs to create a full-fledged family, which fundamentally excludes a fateful meeting. Very often you can hear the opinion that the ideal does not exist. However, both men and women are looking for it. For example, girls often want a husband to be free of jealousy. But at the same time, they forget that a strong man will never allow another to seek the attention of his companion, which he himself claims.
Step 3
Work on your shortcomings. Sometimes high self-esteem prevents you from “taking off the mask” and having a heart-to-heart conversation with a person you are interested in. Perhaps he does not at all possess all those qualities that, as you think, must be present in your future companion. But you too can be far from perfect. So, accepting your shortcomings and working on yourself, you will meet a close soul, able to understand and appreciate you.
Step 4
Highlight the qualities of the person who will walk with you through life. Measure them against the qualities of your character. They don't have to be the same at all, but they are meant to complement each other.
Step 5
Imagine and figure out for yourself what kind of relationship you would like to see in marriage, given that the behavior of spouses creates a union in which both individuals feel free and comfortable. Remember, like attracts like. Having carefully analyzed your preferences and desires, you will definitely meet a person with similar views.