One epoch succeeds another, whole continents come into motion, civilization is born and disappears into oblivion, and a woman's heart is still waiting for that very magical meeting with him - the only man of her life.

Step 1
Remember how many times you, waiting, for example, for your friend in a black cloak, paid attention to everyone who is wearing similar clothes. At the same time, you did not even honor those who are dressed differently with a glance. Similarly, there is a technique that will help you meet the man of your life.
Step 2
Give direction to your selectivity. Write down all those qualities without which you cannot imagine your chosen one. If you dream of a single man for the rest of your life, then be sure to accentuate this moment.
Step 3
Keep in mind that people evolve and change. The requirements that you place on your soul mate can change dramatically with age, given the coming life experience. Reread what you have written carefully. Then imagine a pleasant and bright room, vessel or container that you just washed and cleaned. Place all your definitions in this vessel in your mind.
Step 4
Now forget what you did. Take a break from this topic and do any other things that are useful to you. You laid the "foundation" of your meeting with your only man, and your subconscious mind immediately began its work to fulfill the desire.
Step 5
After a while, you will definitely meet him. You may recognize your betrothed immediately. But there may be another development of the situation. There will be several men, and you will have to talk to them to find out your only one.
Step 6
Do not avoid meetings, try to develop a strategy that will save you from uncomfortable interlocutors and unnecessary connections. At the same time, take your time, carefully analyze and choose.
Step 7
Sometimes people are so sure where exactly they can meet their soul mate that they deliberately do not visit the places where the meeting should take place. Listen to your intuition. Do not follow the lead of stereotypes, which are often unfounded.