If you decide to find relatives by last name, then get ready for the fact that it may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. But difficult does not mean impossible. Stock up on time and patience, and luck will surely favor you.
Many people want to find their relatives with the same surname. And if earlier this was quite problematic, then with the advent of the Internet in every home, this has ceased to be an insoluble task. There are many ways to find relatives by last name without much effort and financial expense.
How surnames appeared
The general surname will serve as the main search key. But one should take into account the fact that over time, surnames can change, acquiring very unusual forms. Therefore, if you failed to find relatives by last name, look through all possible options with the same root. Of course, this process can take you a lot of time and effort. But you must admit that the positive result will be worth it.
Usually relatives living in the same family have the same surname. Almost each of us meets namesakes, but this does not mean that they are all your relatives. You can also often find a lot of similar surnames. For example, Petrov, Petrenko, Petruk, etc. They appeared in the process of distortion, when documents were not yet an obligatory attribute of every citizen. Then the names were transmitted orally, so there were many modifications and transformations.
How to find people with blood relatives
If you want to start looking for relatives, start by asking the oldest family members. They will be able to share with you the information that you did not even know about before.
Write down everything you hear from relatives. Organize the information to understand where you need to start your search. Start your search in external sources, in terms of the information received. Give preference to advanced search by last name on the Internet.
Contact the institution where the registration data is stored. These can be housing facilities, archives, telephone bases, and so on. Everything you can find is useful to you: archives of population censuses, metrics, birth certificates.
When you have enough real and virtual resources, you can easily figure out how to find relatives by last name without spending a penny. Such searches can bring you a lot of joy and pleasure. Maybe at the end of your journey you will find that you are a relative of some famous person or you will find another family. The main thing is to be patient and believe in the best.