Good children are the delight of parents, their support in old age. A child, if he loves mom and dad, takes care of their health, thinks about his behavior in the family and outside it already at the elementary school age. But the impetus for this should be given by the parents, with their upbringing and love.

Step 1
If Mom and Dad tell you to better prepare your lessons and listen to the teachers at school, they care about your future. All decent parents want their children not to experience problems and difficulties in life. A good education is the foundation, the start for your career. Therefore, listen to what your parents say and try to do better in school and other educational institutions as much as possible.
Step 2
When they prove to you that smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs is prohibited, this does not mean that mom and dad are hiding something interesting from you, accessible only to adults. It only means that they are worried about your health, about your future life, which will be much better without these bad habits. Trust your parents, medicine, and crime statistics. Nicotine, alcohol and drugs do not lead to anything good.
Step 3
Bring mom and dad happiness, peace, joy and peace. Protect from anxiety, resentment, grief and stress. It's all in your power and power. The main thing is that in this way you make your future more successful and happy. Taking care of your parents, you thereby prepare the site for building your future family.
Step 4
Evaluate your wishes and actions from the point of view of your elders. For example, when you're on the street with friends, make sure to call your parents so they don't worry about you. If mom is tired at work, wash the dishes after dinner - it's not difficult at all, but how nice for your beloved mom! Take an interest in your dad's affairs, try to share his hobbies if you are a boy. Feel the beauty of spiritual unity with a loved one, collecting inventory for hiking and fishing, talking about the secrets of the universe around a flickering fire.
Step 5
The girl will be able to learn from her mother all her female secrets and tricks in the field of makeup, self-care and behavior in society. Help your parents with household chores. Even the smallest, but constantly carried out duty is of great benefit.
Step 6
Always inquire about the health of loved ones, notice signs of fatigue and bad mood. You can easily help your parents with your concern - bring a cup of fresh tea to your mom, cover your dozing dad with a blanket, tell about your academic success. Don't forget to prepare nice little gifts for the holidays. A child can do a lot of interesting and useful things with his own hands, you just need to look for the necessary information and apply diligence.
Step 7
In the morning, wish your beloved parents a good morning and a good day, and in the evening, good night and good dreams.