The best way to educate and educate a child is to play, because in play he learns the world around him and learns to think.

pyramid, cubes
Step 1
The best early childhood game is playing with various objects. Lesson with pyramids and cubes will develop your kid's memory, thinking, speech, attention. First, you should help your kid collect the pyramid. Your task is to teach your kid how to play with the pyramid. To ensure that the kid does not lose interest in the game, after the game is over, remove it from the child's eyes. For very little ones, whose age is under 1 year, a very simple pyramid, in which there will be 3 or 4 multi-colored rings, is perfect. Your task in such a game is to teach the kid how to put the ring on the rod. Be sure to encourage your child to do the right thing. When the kid understands this game, the task can be complicated - give the child a pyramid with rings of different sizes and colors. This game perfectly develops the child's hand motor skills.
Step 2
For one and a half year old children, a game of folding a "smooth pyramid" is suitable. "Smooth" is a pyramid in which all the rings are arranged in ascending order, from largest to smallest. The main task of such a game is to teach a child to distinguish between the sizes of objects and to get an idea of the concept of "more - less". Teach your child to check if the pyramid is smooth.
Step 3
After your child learns this, too, you can diversify your actions with the pyramids. Fold a path from the rings of the pyramid with the baby, placing it from the larger ring to the smaller one. You can also build a tower out of rings, explaining to your child that in order for the tower not to fall, the rings must be arranged in size. To teach the kid to distinguish the value, mix all the rings and together find the smallest, largest, largest.
Step 4
By the age of 2, you can play cubes with your child. Build towers with him. If the child began to assemble the turret on his own, help him with words. Explain that if he has already taken a large cube, then you need to find a smaller one. Try assembling a house or chair with a table. Explain to your kid how you can use such a building.