Mothers are often asked how to normalize their baby's sleep. If the baby sleeps restlessly from birth, wakes up and gets up at night, then you need to take action. Provide a good sleeping environment and the problem goes away.

Step 1
Children should get used to sleeping not only in silence, but also in moderate noise. Teach your child not to wake up from unexpected sounds. When this happens, you can safely receive guests in the next room and watch TV.
Step 2
Give your child a separate room so that he is not afraid to sleep without his parents. It is better to do this at an early age, as the older, the more difficult it is to transfer the child to a separate room. If the child is afraid of the dark, reassure him that it is not dangerous. Be gentle, listen to him, prove to him that there is nothing to be afraid of.
Step 3
The bedtime routine should be pleasant and peaceful. Prepare your child for sleep in a fun way, and do not constantly repeat to him that he needs to go to bed urgently. Do not allow an argument in the family, it is time or not time for bed. Lead the child to the crib by the hand, and do not urge on with words and shouts. You can even sit with your baby, waiting for him to fall asleep.
Step 4
Protect your baby from scary sights and frightening sounds. Nightmares and bad dreams come from scary TV shows and movies. Remember that stories of amazing adventures can fill a child's head with all kinds of nonsense and deeply touch the child. The impressions experienced during the day appear in the head precisely at night and do not allow to fall asleep.
Step 5
Come to an agreement with your child about a daily routine. Observe the established mode. Spend enough time outdoors together.
Step 6
The reluctance to fall asleep can be explained by a number of reasons: relationships with friends, poor school performance, constant scandals in the family - all this affects the deterioration of sleep. Talk to your child, find out the reasons for the anxiety and gradually solve the urgent problems.