Monotony in sex quickly gets boring. Partners feel satiated, tired, and not attracted to each other. Sex in unconventional places can help freshen up the relationship and add a little extreme to it, especially if you feel that your loved one has begun to cool down towards you. Elevator sex can help shake up the monotonous sexual relationship.

Step 1
It is only in Hollywood films that lovers spontaneously indulge in passion in an elevator; in real life, the situation is much more complicated. It is difficult to imagine violent sex in typical high-rise elevators. The elevator in which you plan to have sex should be looked after in advance so as not to get into an unpleasant situation later. It will be a lot of fun if suddenly the doors open and you find yourself "in all its glory" in front of a group of astonished people who, without suspecting anything, called the elevator. It is necessary to make sure in advance that the elevator has the ability to securely block it.
Step 2
Transparent elevators are also not very suitable for sexual pleasures. Of course, if you want to have unusual sex in front of witnesses, you can safely choose transparent designs, but still, such extreme sex is unlikely to appeal to most partners.
Step 3
Now you need to think over the intrigue well. Sorry, but if, for no reason at all, offer an unprepared partner to have sex in an elevator, then it is not known what response to such an offer might follow. For example, you can offer to go up to the roof of this particular house and look at the beautiful starry sky, or come up with some other unpretentious excuse.
Step 4
It is best to choose a lift that is comfortable and clean. It is advisable to stop the elevator on the last floors and it must be done unnoticed.
Step 5
You will remember such an unusual adventure for a long time. Sex in an elevator will return the acuity of feelings and take you back to the days of reckless youth, when it was difficult to find a suitable place for sex and you had to walk around friends or try not to make much noise so as not to inadvertently wake up sleeping parents.