Any girl plans to develop a relationship with a young man she likes. How to make these plans come true? There are many different trainings on how to seduce a man and how to get him exactly what you want. We will not discuss what happens at these trainings, but we will give a few tips that will be enough to win a man.

Step 1
Make eye contact with your partner. Try not to just gaze into your eyes, but to look through them. Slowly move your gaze to his lips, then to his chest, as if accidentally glance at him, return to his eyes again. It is very important not to show your man your strong interest, let him think that you met his eyes by accident.
Step 2
Try to strike up a conversation with the man you like. While talking, accidentally touch him with your hand or lean on his shoulder as you straighten his shoes. During a conversation, try to confidently look into the eyes, make sure that your gaze does not run. Otherwise, the man will understand that you are worried and worried.
Step 3
Monitor your voice as you talk. Try not to be squeaky or rude. Do not speak monotonously, it will put your chosen one to sleep. Your voice should sound rich, fluid. A man can listen not to what you say, but to the sounds of your voice. To train your voice, say first the sounds "mmmmmm" and then "rrrrrr", such exercises will make your voice more attractive.
Step 4
Try to keep your gestures open and fluent during a conversation. This will show your independence, independence and self-confidence.
Step 5
Keep a distance with your chosen one, then bring him closer, then move away from yourself. This technique is very useful in order to conquer the man you like. It is important that the man does not lose interest in you, and ideally decides to seek you on his own.
Step 6
Control your emotions. During a small quarrel or disagreement, you should not raise your voice and break the dishes. Try to calmly discuss what you quarreled about.
Do not forget about these techniques when communicating with a man, and your relationship with him will be the way you want it.