The fact is that any relationship between lovers is built on mutual understanding. But that doesn't mean you have to put up with self-disrespect. Let's define a framework beyond which a loving guy will not dare to go.

Step 1
Your boyfriend ignores you and does not answer if you call or send SMS. He remembers you only when it is convenient for him. He does not remember your birthday, the name of your parents, does not ask for forgiveness if he made a mistake. If so, your boyfriend is being selfish towards you.
Step 2
Your boyfriend is cheating on you. Everything secret is revealed sooner or later. And if you find out that he is deceiving you, even on trifles, talk to him right away. Tell him how you feel about this. If nothing changes, think about a joint future with this man.
Step 3
Your boyfriend does not keep his word. If he has not been to the other side of the world, does not participate in a State Duma meeting or does not work in the police, there is no excuse that he could not pick you up after work, did not do what you asked him to do several times. After all, he promised you this, remember! For every request, he said: "I will." Any adult should be able to keep the promise made to them.