Family Psychology

Family Psychology
Family Psychology

The concept of family and family life is individual for everyone. You can't get married too late or too early. In this case, it will inevitably affect both the relationship and the person himself.

Family psychology
Family psychology

There are a variety of opinions and judgments as to why a family is needed, and what it is in general.

In our time, the concept of "family" has been reduced simply to marriage. Moreover, the situation is aggravated by the fact that many couples enter into legal relationships for the sake of something. This "something" can be money, self-interest, a desire to change their place of residence, and so on. There are incredibly many factors that force people to go for a marriage of convenience.

The husband finds a wife only once, and so does the husband's wife. The second wedding can only be due to the death of the partner. No other factor can be the reason for entering into a legal relationship the second, third and subsequent times. Nevertheless, in our time it is not just flourishing - it has become commonplace.

The family is a separate unit of society that cannot be created by a simple search. Each person finds a partner for himself by the will of fate, and this partner, ideally, should be for life. Oddly enough, but the pattern works: the more actively a person is looking for a companion or life partner, the further he or she moves away from him.

That men “should” marry at one age and women marry at another is completely far-fetched. Each person is individual and can be ready to create a family at any age. It is the readiness to create a family that every person should feel. This feeling is not sought, it must be approached consciously, by going through various events in life.

If a person is forced into a legal relationship sooner or later than it should be, it can impose a very large psychological trauma for the rest of his life. If he marries ahead of time, he may feel like a child. If this happens later than the indicated time, then it is quite possible that a person does not realize in family life what he could have realized.

Family is very individual for each couple. There is no need to seek and no need to strive for family relationships. Everything must be done at the time that is determined for each couple from above.

Here it is necessary to emphasize the words "for each couple", because in our case we consider a couple - a man and a woman - as both participants in the relationship. It would be incorrect to express only in relation to one of the participants.
