Family Relations: Psychology, Problems, Legal Regulation

Family Relations: Psychology, Problems, Legal Regulation
Family Relations: Psychology, Problems, Legal Regulation

The family is a separate part of society and the subject of study of psychologists. In various sciences, there are special sections dedicated to the cells of society. Relationships between relatives are so complex that they require separate regulation.

Family relations: psychology, problems, legal regulation
Family relations: psychology, problems, legal regulation

Family psychology studies the principles of the formation of modern families. It includes elements of personality psychology, pedagogy, sociology, demography. Family relations psychologists study the dynamics of relationships in a union, the emotional background in marriage, as well as possible causes of divorce.

Special attention is paid to family education.

Experts are concerned about the emerging tendency to abandon family values. Fashionable personal freedom makes the institution of the family unnecessary. Individualism can prevail over family traditions and categories. The psychology of family life includes such sections as the relationship between spouses, children and parents, older and younger generations, brothers and sisters.

The study examines the behavior of people in the family, the influence of society on the family, the relationship between the cells of society and the economy. Through careful analysis, it is possible to identify urgent problems and find ways to resolve difficult issues.

Family problems are related to the personality difficulties of each member. Conversely, a person's problems can be the result of a misunderstanding in relations with family. The appearance of family problems is influenced by fears, anxiety, low self-esteem of its members, the inability or unwillingness of loved ones to work on relationships, surrender to the family, fulfill their duties, and take responsibility.

Troubles in the family can be the result of asocial behavior of one or more of its members. Inability to behave, unwillingness to control their own negative emotions, inability to cope with aggression, various addictions can lead to the collapse of the family.

Also, disagreements arise due to the lack of common life guidelines, differences in plans for the future, unwillingness to compromise, non-recognition of the full rights of all members. When one person tries to suppress another, a conflict can form.

You can solve family problems with the help of each member's work on themselves. Sometimes it is not easy to realize your own mistake and agree with the need to work on yourself. In such cases, it is necessary to contact a family therapist.

A specialist will help resolve misunderstandings and come to a general agreement.

To avoid many family problems, it is necessary to understand the principles of living together, respect relatives, show care, show love. It must be remembered that any power in the family is inextricably linked with increased responsibility. If you do not separate yourself from the family, but mentally imagine it as a whole, you can significantly strengthen family ties.

The legal regulation of family relations is carried out in accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation. It is in it that the circle of relations is determined, which are determined by the norms of law by family. In addition, this section of the legislation prescribes the procedure for the conclusion and dissolution of marriage, the regulation of property and non-property relations between relatives.
