Family Problems During Pregnancy

Family Problems During Pregnancy
Family Problems During Pregnancy

For a man and a woman, expecting a baby is a whole kaleidoscope of emotions. Someone experiences joy, and someone encounters relationship problems. What could be causing these problems?

Pregnancy and relationships
Pregnancy and relationships

Hormonal background

During pregnancy, a woman experiences a change in the hormonal background, as a result of which there is a change in the psycho-emotional background: increased irritability, sudden mood swings, the appearance of whims. It is difficult for a man to understand such changes, because he has never experienced this on himself, and he will not be able to experience it. Because of this, conflicts arise, not solving which leads to more global family problems.

Eliminating this problem is not so difficult: you need to devote more time to conversations with your partner (both man and woman), share your joys and experiences.

Bad state of health

During the period of bearing a child, a woman experiences a number of physical and physiological changes: weight gain, body metamorphosis, edema, increased urine output, problems with emptying, etc. At one time, a man does not experience such changes on himself, therefore, the whims and some experiences of a woman are incomprehensible to him.

Solution: take a more condescending attitude to the experiences of a woman, support her in every possible way.

Lack of intimacy

Everyone knows that during pregnancy, not only the condition of a woman, but also her figure undergoes changes: someone gains 10 kg for the entire pregnancy, and someone and all 30! A woman believes that she is less sexy and desirable for her man during pregnancy, therefore she experiences discomfort during sex. At the same time, many men believe that sex can harm an unborn baby (which, of course, is not true), because of which a woman may find herself unattractive to her partner.

Solution: words of love and compliments to your woman will help eliminate worries about the changes that have occurred during the period of bearing the baby. Consultation with a doctor about sex during pregnancy.

Participation in preparing for the birth of only one of the spouses

It's no secret that, as a rule, only the expectant mother is involved in preparing for the birth. What is included in the training? Purchase of belongings, furniture, care items and, most importantly, a visit to an observing doctor. Even at such moments, a woman should feel the support of her future father, who can look at many things a little differently, reassure and cheer up her spouse.

Solution: the participation of a man in all preparations for the appearance of a newborn.
