Partners who have been living together for a long time no longer experience such a strong passion and such drive that they had at the beginning of the relationship. In other words, they get a little bored with each other. What to do in this case?

The most important thing that should be present in the relationship between partners is attention. Lack of attention from one of the partners leads to quarrels, discontent and other negative consequences. Remember to pay attention to your significant other. Bring coffee to bed, give gifts, make surprises.
Another very important rule is that you cannot turn your spouse into your “girlfriend”. For endless gossip, constant complaints about split ends and broken nails, another object should be chosen, such as a sister, mom, female work colleague, etc.
Laughter can also help bring vitality to the relationship. Try to have more fun with your time together.
Do not forget to flirt with your man, seduce him, make eyes at him. If you maintain passion all the time, family relationships will be greatly strengthened.
An intimate life is also an important factor. Very often, partners stop paying due attention to sex, misunderstandings begin in the family, some kind of discord, and you gradually move away from each other. It will not be superfluous to experiment in bed, to bring something new all the time.
You should not bring problems from work and some troubles to the family. While you're at home, try to spend more time with your family. Memories will play a good role. Look at old photos together, remember the pleasant moments of life, for example, how you met.
A man needs a rest even from his beloved woman. Therefore, from time to time you need to let the man take a break from you, let him go to a bar, go fishing or hunting. And at this time you go shopping, meet with your friends.
In no case should you despair or give up if the relationship has lost its former passion. Try and you will succeed.