You met some time ago, started hanging out together, going on dates, and everything was very sweet and exciting. And after a lot of courtship, it's time to build something big. But when the moment of the proposal to create a serious relationship came, she suddenly refused. Why are such situations not uncommon?

All reasons for a girl's refusal can be divided into two groups: those in herself or in a man. But if suddenly such an incident happened in your life, do not be too lazy to find out from her what prevented you from going further, because the inner world of a person may differ from others.
If the reasons are in a man
There are many infantile men today. Outwardly, they seem confident in themselves, dream of families, but in many actions a childish attitude slips. They haven't quite matured yet to form strong alliances. Women like to meet with such representatives of the stronger half, but not everyone wants to get married or agree to a civil marriage. If a man is not ready to take responsibility in full, then not every girl will dare to go further with him.
The presence of bad habits in a man can also become a reason for discord. If a person loves to drink, is addicted to computer games, or is very reckless, he can be a great conversationalist or even a lover. But it's better not to talk about serious intentions, because meeting or living together is not at all the same thing.
If a man is too demanding, this can also get in the way. After all, not every woman is ready to quit her job for the sake of a relationship, not everyone will sacrifice a career. Excessive jealousy can also be the reason. All serious relationships impose a number of obligations, and the lady is afraid of this.
If the reasons are in a woman
There are women who do not want to get married because of their nature. They are very light and not ready to burden themselves with obligations. Serious relationships for them are fetters that will get in the way. But such girls can be seen immediately, in each of their actions it is noticeable that you should not count on more. They are children in an adult body who have not yet grown up.
If a girl is in love with another man, then she will refuse to go further. Taking courtship, having a good time is interesting for everyone, but this does not always lead to something more. She could do it to relax, or maybe to cause jealousy. Or the other does not look at her, it happens in different ways. But she will not associate her existence with those for whom she does not harbor deep feelings.
Fear of relationships may also be the reason. If you already had an experience when everything ended in failure, then walking along the same path again is very inconvenient. It may seem that everything will happen again, that after some time the separation will occur, and it will be even more painful than the last time. If this is the case, then everything can be fixed. Patience, a respectful attitude will help you forget about the pain you have experienced, the main thing is to convince the lady of the heart that everything will be completely different, that everything will turn out fine in the future.