Friends of a loved one do not want to reduce their presence in the life of their friend, despite the fact that he has a half. Getting rid of old habits is difficult, but it needs to be done. The main thing in this business is tact and delicacy.

Friends of a loved one constantly call, come to visit without warning, call somewhere. They do not understand that their friend now has a completely different life and he spends most of the time with his beloved. How can a girl help her?
Change phone number
You can persuade your loved one to change your phone number - stationary and mobile. This is a very effective way to get rid of obsessive friends at least for a while. It is unlikely that friends will immediately come home to check where their friend is.
And when the meeting takes place, you can casually say in the conversation that you had to change the phone, they say, annoying individuals call all the time. Friends will wind this valuable information on their mustache and pass it on to each other.
Refer to being busy
Another option is to tell your friends that there has been a lot of work lately. If a guy can't do it himself, then why doesn't his girlfriend help him? You just need to do it tactfully, so as not to drop the authority of your loved one in the eyes of friends and not put him in an awkward position. Here there is a danger for a man to look like henpecked from the side. Therefore, if a woman has already decided to save her beloved from friends, let her do it painlessly.
To delicately solve this problem, we can say that a loved one has absolutely no time to meet with bosom friends, as it was before, but sometimes, for example, once a month, he has a few free hours to watch football with them. … Friends, if they are normal, will understand the situation correctly and will gladly accept such an offer.
Go somewhere for a while
It's hard to say when you will have such a time - happy and carefree. Therefore, now in your relationship is the right time to go somewhere. The problem of obsessive friends will be solved by itself, and you will get a lot of new impressions that will cheer you up for a long time.
You don't have to go to any resort. There are no less romantic options. Maybe you have long dreamed of visiting a certain city, as beautiful as St. Petersburg? Or maybe you like the mountains - then you are in the North Caucasus. There are many fabulous places in our vast homeland, a trip there will cost much less than abroad, and there will be no less positive emotions. By the way, you can send your friends a postcard or a photo from there - let them see that the two of you are good and fun.