How To Tell A Guy About Your Feelings

How To Tell A Guy About Your Feelings
How To Tell A Guy About Your Feelings

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The days when girls were forced to passively wait for a guy to confess his love to him are long gone. Now it is no longer considered shameful to take the initiative and tell the guy about your feelings. It would seem - which is simpler - come and say that you like him, but sometimes the fear of getting a direct refusal prevents you from doing it. However, the ingenuity of women knows no bounds and you can explain it in such a way that the guy will be sure that the initiative came from him.

How to tell a guy about your feelings
How to tell a guy about your feelings


Step 1

Make sure the guy is at least neutral towards you first. If he dislikes you or you annoy him with your manner of communication or appearance, then an explanation is unlikely to save the situation. Any of your words, even flattering for him, he, first of all, will perceive not in meaning, but as an annoying factor. Until he is comfortable with you, there is no point in trying.

Step 2

If you like him and do not mind communicating with you, then you can tell him about your feelings, as if surprised that you cannot contain them. Note his merits (they should be quite real and he should at least guess about them), which attracted your attention and set him apart from the general mass of men. He will be pleased to hear about his originality in your eyes, and he will immediately note your ability to understand people, will be interested in you.

Step 3

Find out what he enjoys and try to find out more about his hobby. Go to him for advice or clarification, saying that he was recommended as a connoisseur and consultant. He cannot help but pay attention to the girl with whom his interests coincide so much and his consultation will smoothly develop into a friendly conversation, ending with a request for a date.

Step 4

Learn more about him, his character and habits, life principles and beliefs. In a general conversation, describe the ideal man, in your understanding, citing as an example those qualities and beliefs that are inherent in him. Here, more than one guy will not be able to resist such an expression of feelings, he will only have to say: “So here I am, your prince!”.
