Which Milk Mixture To Choose

Which Milk Mixture To Choose
Which Milk Mixture To Choose

Proper nutrition for babies is the foundation of their health and good development. Of course, it is very difficult to replace mother's milk. But sometimes situations arise that it is sorely lacking or the time for complementary feeding comes.

Which milk mixture to choose
Which milk mixture to choose

The choice of infant formula is a very important undertaking. You should first consult with a specialist who will help you make a healthy choice.

Types of milk mixtures

Baby formula is made by:

- based on cow's milk;

- based on hydrolyzed protein;

- based on soy protein.

The choice of the mixture depends entirely on the initial state of health of the baby. If the child is healthy, then standard formulas are suitable for him. They are usually based on cow's milk. They are used when the baby has no diseases or contraindications to the composition. There are most of such mixtures, they can be easily found in any pharmacy. It is advisable to choose mixtures without starch or sucrose.

If the child is at risk of developing allergies or any functional disorders, then a prophylactic or therapeutic-prophylactic formula for feeding is suitable for him. In this case, it is worth choosing mixtures that contain hydrolyzed protein. Then you can not be afraid of the development of allergic reactions and other conditions, while the mixtures are easily absorbed.

When there is already a certain disease, pediatricians advise therapeutic mixtures that will help stabilize the state of the child's body and will not provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

How to choose formula milk based on your baby's age

Milk formulas are selected based on the age of the child. In this case, they contain all the nutritious and useful components that a child needs at the moment in life.

Each can of formula milk contains codes. If there is a code 1, then the mixture is suitable for babies from the first days of life to 6 months. If the number 2 is present, then the mixture is given within a period of six months. Of course, there are universal mixtures, then they will be marked: from 0 to 12 months.

Milk formulas for children who are more than 6 months old are enriched with iron, a complex of vitamins and minerals. This will help the baby to become strong and develop correctly.

When choosing a mixture for a baby, it is worth remembering a few simple rules:

- the mixture must correspond to the age and state of health of the child;

- you should not buy a product that is too cheap, otherwise there may be irreversible consequences;

- before buying it is worth contacting a pediatrician, and not trusting the advice of friends or pharmacists.

Choosing the right formula will help avoid many health and developmental problems for your baby.
