Many parents of babies are looking forward to the moment when they can start introducing complementary foods. After all, it is so interesting whether the kid will like this or that dish, which fruits or vegetables will be among the favorites, and what, on the contrary, will have to be excluded from the diet.

The benefits of bananas
The benefits of the tropical fruit in question are undeniable. Bananas are very rich in potassium and magnesium, iron and fluoride. Each of the listed microelements is important for the formation of muscle and bone tissues of the crumbs, for maintaining the favorable functioning of the circulatory systems, digestion, and also for improving brain activity.
They are rich in bananas and vitamins. In particular, a high concentration of vitamin C helps to strengthen the child's immunity, and vitamin B has a beneficial effect on the skin and its derivatives: nails, hair, eyelashes.
The starch and fiber contained in bananas in large quantities contribute to the fact that these fruits are digested rather slowly, while well saturating the body with glucose. And she, in turn, provides the little person with energy.
Age favorable for introducing bananas into complementary foods
Modern pediatricians advise to start feeding babies with vegetable purees. This is done so that the child, having tasted sweet dishes first, does not give up vegetables later.
Therefore, bananas begin to be introduced into the diet of infants at about 8-9 months of age. The fact is, up to 6 months of age, no complementary foods are required for the baby. He should be fed with breast milk or its substitutes - adapted infant formula. Then, gradually, the baby is introduced to vegetables and only after a while - to bananas.
It is necessary to offer the crumbs a banana in the form of mashed potatoes. To do this, grind the fruit thoroughly with a blender, meat grinder or ordinary fork. On the first day, give your child no more than half a teaspoon of puree to taste. If there is no allergic reaction, then within a week you can bring the amount of mashed banana to 100 g per day.
Add banana puree to curd or kefir, as well as various milk porridge. You can use banana as a stand-alone dish.
Banana allergy
Bananas are among the foods that rarely cause allergic reactions in babies. However, there are exceptions. The hormone serotonin, which is part of the fruit, can cause allergies in some babies. It manifests itself in the form of a rash of small red pimples, which can be located on the cheeks or all over the body. In case of such reactions, before giving the banana a try again, consult your pediatrician.