Many children suck the thumb. Parents of a two-month-old baby should not be alarmed. The sucking instinct for a child of this age is a natural phenomenon. In normal cases, the urge to suck on a nipple or other objects goes away by itself. But if the child is already one and a half years old, or even two, and the habit has not passed, the parents should be concerned about this.

- Dummy
- Interesting toys
- A little patience and endurance
Step 1
Watch your baby. When does he suck his thumb most often? If a child puts his finger in his mouth a few minutes before bedtime, and at other times he does not have this habit, your task is greatly facilitated. Try to make the minutes of falling asleep as pleasant as possible. Tell a story. Place your favorite stuffed animal in the crib. With her, the baby will not feel so lonely. If a baby sucks a thumb after waking up, do not leave him alone in the crib for a long time. Compliance with the regime in this case helps a lot. If it's time to get up and you woke up, wash and dress.
Step 2
A baby can suck a finger during the day. This usually happens when he is anxious or bored. Try to determine what is bothering him and, if possible, eliminate the cause. The atmosphere in the house should be calm. If there are objects around the child that he is afraid for unknown reasons, remove them for a while.
Step 3
Create a fun environment in your baby's room. There should be a lot of objects in the room that can keep the child busy. It can be not only toys and books, but also just household items.
Step 4
Try to organize your child's life so that he does not have "empty" hours. A baby can suck a finger just out of boredom. Remember that a toddler may not yet be able to fully organize his or her life. He should have minutes when he himself is busy with his toys or books. But there should always be an adult nearby who can turn the child's attention to a new activity.
Step 5
If the child is already big enough, you can ask him directly about what worried or frightened him. In general, try to talk to your baby as much as possible and do not disregard his fears, even if they seem trifling. There are no unimportant events in the life of a little person. Remember that any fears and worries become much less important when you talk about them.