Children under the age of 6 are usually divided into two age groups: from birth to 3 years old - infancy, from 3 to 6 years old - preschoolers. There are both developmental diagnostics suitable for both groups, and separately for each. In this case, we will focus on the diagnosis of preschoolers. It is usually carried out in six areas: diagnostics of speech, thinking, memory, attention, personality and learning skills.

Materials for various diagnostic techniques
Step 1
Attention diagnostics
According to psychologists, a child at this age should have three attentive (i.e., attention-related) skills. First, the child must be able to complete tasks with a gradually increasing level of difficulty. Secondly, he must keep the instructions in his head throughout the entire session. If the baby forgets during the lesson what exactly is required of him, then there are certain problems with the development of attention. The third skill is the skill of self-control. As for specific diagnostic methods, these are tasks such as "Find two identical pictures", "Find 10 differences", "What changes have occurred in the picture?", "Go through the maze", etc.
Step 2
Memory diagnostics
Memory diagnostics is carried out in three main areas - short-term, long-term and associative memory. There are no quantitative characteristics of the development of memory. If the child does not cope with this or that task, it is necessary to select similar exercises and carry out until he gets the hang of it. The methods for diagnosing short-term memory include the following tasks: pictures or toys are laid out in front of the child. He tries to remember the order, then closes his eyes - the pictures are rearranged or part of them is removed. The child has to say what has changed. Or consider a particular drawing, and then reproduce it in maximum detail from memory.
To diagnose long-term memory, you can offer your child a test of several questions. For example, "How many windows are in your apartment?", "What did you eat at dinner yesterday?" etc. To diagnose associative memory, tasks are given to make connections, for example, a tree and a leaf or a house and a window.
Step 3
Diagnostics of thinking
At this age, the child is dominated by visual-figurative thinking, therefore, the tasks should be appropriate. For example, you can show your baby a picture that depicts a particular situation. Let him look at the picture and tell what is happening on it. Depending on the answer, the level of thinking development is assessed on a scale from 1 to 4. 1 - the child immediately got involved in the work and described in detail what was happening in the picture, 4 - it is difficult for him to get involved in the work, he cannot tell what is happening in the picture.
Step 4
Speech diagnostics
It can be carried out in a wide variety of areas. Types of tasks: "Think of as many words for the letter …", "Make a sentence out of words", "Listen to a short text and retell it." "Pick a rhyme for the word", etc. The totality of the results determines the general level of speech development in the child.
Step 5
Diagnostics of learning skills
This diagnosis is carried out in children 5-6 years old to determine how much the child is ready for a fundamentally new activity for him - educational, because soon he will have to go to school. There are fundamental differences between learning activities at school and play activities in kindergarten. One of the main differences is the obligation of the first one, the ability to concentrate on the task. One of the diagnostics is called "Beads". Ask your child to draw five beads connected by a single string, going straight through the center of each bead. All beads should be of a different color; the middle bead should be blue. Another technique is called Cell Drawing. The child should put a pencil at a point at the intersection of the cells. Then he is dictated to how many cells and where he should move. As a result, the drawing should turn out, exactly as dictated to him. Such diagnostics are also evaluated on a four-tiered system.
Step 6
Personality diagnostics
Personality diagnostics assumes the most extensive number of investigated questions. This is the attitude towards oneself, and the level of self-esteem, and children's self-awareness and awareness of gender, etc. The most commonly used techniques are picture tests, tests like "Draw yourself", "Draw your family", etc.