Parents are very sensitive to the fact when their child is diagnosed with mental retardation (PDD). For children with this medical opinion, disorders are characteristic, which are expressed in a decrease in mental endurance, cognitive activity, emotionally-volitional sphere. They have insufficiently developed memory, speech disorders may appear. However, the ability for thought processes is observed, but can be slowed down.

If we consider in more detail the violations that are observed in children, then it can be noted that in such children the behavior of children of a younger age, they are slow, cannot focus on one lesson for a long time, the emotional state is not stable, they can suddenly become hysterical … The speech of such children is underdeveloped, this manifests itself in a limited vocabulary or a violation of sound pronunciation.
But adults should know that the diagnosis of CRD is most often considered temporary, since it can be corrected if the work with the child is started in a timely manner. This work should be started with children of preschool age. And if DPD appeared due to psychogenic genesis (overprotection, neglect, etc.), then, having eliminated these factors and organized daily work with the child, you can not remember this diagnosis in the future.
The first thing to start for the successful correction of children with CRD is health promotion or treatment of diseases that can complicate this diagnosis. The carrying out of strengthening and therapeutic measures should be planned in great detail for the parents by the pediatrician. The second direction is directly corrective work. This work must be carried out in two directions.
First, to attend classes with a teacher-defectologist in the system. If the child goes to kindergarten, then it is advisable to get a referral to a specialized preschool institution. In it, groups are staffed by 10 - 12 people. In addition to educators, the staff includes teachers - defectologists and teachers - speech therapists. There are no more than 4 children for one such specialist. There is no need to be afraid of such kindergartens, they do not block the way for children to the future, but on the contrary, they correct the disease and prepare children for study in a regular (not correctional) school. Children who are at home should hire a teacher-defectologist for systematic work. Secondly, daily developmental work with the child of the parents themselves is required. Play educational games, draw, sculpt, do all kinds of crafts, thereby developing fine motor skills and imagination. Games and exercises for the development of memory will greatly help for further educational activities.
Parents should be aware that CRA is not a sentence. This violation is corrected and gives each child the opportunity to lead a happy life in the future and adapt in society.