When we watch how cute our children play, piling up a tower of blocks, or play "mothers and daughters", no one thinks about how important games are for children. We, adults, think that this is just children's play, missing the moment about the mental and physical development of the child. But, folding the cubes, covering the doll with a blanket, disassembling the machine, the child develops, explores the world around him.

Children by nature prefer simpler toys over complex ones. Note that the beautiful railroad cars quickly get bored by the kid, but with what pleasure he plays with cubes, imitating a train. So it is with dolls. An ordinary doll, sadly lies in a toy box, but one has only to hint to the child that the doll can be wrapped, dressed, so immediately the child's eyes light up, and he begins to play like a new doll. And all because children have great imaginations. Toys and games are always closely intertwined.
Plays as it can
When buying toys for a child, we do not always count on whether the child will be able to play with it? Not always a child can deal with the complex mechanism of a toy. In this case, do not blame the baby for ineptitude, it is better to quietly seize and hide for a while. Having bought a doll, with a set of clothes for it, you can imagine how your baby will play with it. Imagine your surprise if the baby started dressing the doll not from a dress, but from a jacket. Of course, you can correct the child, but if she likes it so, do not interfere. Thus, the child develops. Trying to match the facts. If your child paints the sky green, it’s not because he doesn’t know. Give your child complete freedom of action.
Give it away - it's mine
How often do we hear this phrase from children. From the very tender age, we try to instill in the child the rules of behavior. Surprised that the child does not respond to the remarks of the elders, it is not at all clear why this is happening. This behavior is justified, since physically the child does not yet know how to sympathize and share. Over time, communicating with peers, gradually he will learn to be friends and play together. If the child has a habit of taking away toys from everyone at all times, do not punish him. This can make the child feel like you're against them. Try taking him to older children so that he sees a different pattern of behavior. Perhaps, after communicating with older children, he will begin to do in a different way.
In general, love the child as he is. Support him in any situation. Your baby will feel supported and will grow up healthy and happy.