Many parents face a problem when a child breaks toys. The reasons for this behavior can be hidden both in the wrong thing that is not in line with the interests, and in the child's desire to attract attention. Broken toys can indicate aggression that the child is unable to control. What should parents do, how to try to wean the child from spoiling and breaking toys?

Parents should understand that any child's behavior does not come from nowhere. Very often, children adopt a model of behavior, observing mom and dad, older sisters or brothers and other family members. Therefore, in a situation where a child constantly breaks new - or old - toys, it is worth asking where this trait could have appeared in him. If a child witnesses how parents constantly spoil some things themselves, for example, because of irritation, anger or inability to handle them correctly, then he gradually adopts this behavior and transfers it to his toys. In this case, family members should analyze their behavior and change it so as not to set a bad example for the child.
Spoiled things can be a signal to parents that the child lacks attention from their side. Gifts in the form of dolls, constructors or toy cars can keep the baby busy for a while, captivate him. However, he still needs his dad and mom to devote time to him, play with him, communicate. Broken toys can be a silent protest, part of provocative and demonstrative behavior. However, in some cases, in this way, children try - often unconsciously - to manipulate their parents. Before scolding a child for a misdemeanor, you need to try to talk to him and identify the reason for which he tore off the wheels of a new car or broke a new doll. If the child's misdeeds are really associated with a lack of attention and a feeling of abandonment, then parents should reconsider their relationship with the baby, try to establish contact with the child, give him more attention and care.
Very often, dad and mom, grandmother or grandfather want to please the baby, so they buy new toys for him. However, adults are often guided by their own interests and do not take into account the wishes of children. If a mother does not like the doll her daughter dreams of, she is unlikely to acquire it. Trying to impose their tastes on the child, sooner or later parents will surely face a problem when toys will intentionally break. In this case, you should think about your behavior, choose gifts for the child, taking into account his desires and preferences.
It is important to remember that if a new thing falls into the hands of a child, you cannot leave him alone with her. Parents should explain to their child how to handle a new toy, what can and cannot be done with it. This minimizes the risk of the item being broken in the first minutes of the game. In addition, one should never forget about the age of the child. It is unreasonable to give a baby a complex construction set made of many parts, and give a baby doll with a pacifier to a teenage girl. If such toys are not broken, then they most likely will not bring joy and will be thrown into a dusty corner. The only exceptions are situations when the child sincerely wants to receive this or that thing as a gift.
It is important for parents to learn not to indulge all the whims of their child. The above-mentioned manipulative behavior often manifests itself through the damage of things and toys. If, after the doll is broken, immediately purchase a new one for the child, he will remember this. And he will try to manipulate his parents, damaging any objects and things in order to get what he wants. It is unreasonable to yell at a child and punish him harshly if he ruins a new toy. It is important to calmly talk to him, explain that such behavior is wrong. Through respect for toys and their personal belongings, the child gradually learns to be responsible. Therefore, it is definitely not worth giving in to manipulation, just as you should not threaten the child, put any ultimatums.
In many cases, the reason why a child breaks toys is trivial curiosity. Then parents should clearly explain that such an interest spoils things and should not be done that way. Perhaps it makes sense to purchase toys for an inquisitive kid that will be easy to disassemble and just as easy to assemble.
It is also worth noting that if, through breaking things, the child constantly releases his aggression, irritability and other negative feelings, it is important to seriously communicate with him on a similar topic. Parents should teach their child to "handle" their emotions. However, in cases where the situation begins to get completely out of control, it is reasonable to seek advice from at least a child psychologist. Behind the destructive behavior of the baby, there can be really serious internal problems that require correction.