Almost all children spoil books by painting, cutting or tearing them into pieces. Why is this happening? Kids behave this way not because of banal harm, but out of a desire to understand everything that is in front of them.

Thus, the child begins to realize that by drawing, he can leave a mark on the book. This is a great discovery for him, especially in the period from one to two years, when he receives an answer to the main question "What can I do?" By receiving answers, he develops himself as a creative person, which will affect him in the future. In addition, when a child tears up books, he learns the properties of paper. Parents should learn patience, because only respect and fair attitude to the "creativity" of the baby will allow them to get a joyful result in the future.
Gluing the book that was torn by him is also an equally significant and interesting process for the child, so you should allow the child to glue it together. Understand that it is not the result itself that is important, but the process of knowing that you can put the parts together. It is not necessary to glue the book to a whole state, because the child will quickly get tired of such an activity.
Often, children cross out the faces of certain characters in the book, thereby expressing their protest. It is quite possible that the heroes of the book do not like the crumbs.
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But along with children's creativity, one should not forget about the need for restrictions. Explain to the kid that it is impossible to paint all the books, but it must be explained in a way that is accessible to the child. For example, when you see that a child has taken up a book, explain that it is too expensive for you and give him another book in return. It is possible that it will be a coloring book or an album. By the way, it makes sense to purchase several books just for a child to paint.