The kid needs the sensitive guidance of adults. It is very important to learn to competently not to indulge his whims, to deny endless desires, protecting him from unnecessary worries. What should be done for this?

Step 1
Children are skillful manipulators, they understand well what means can be used to influence parents. If for the sake of achieving the goal you need to throw a tantrum, they will throw you for a sweet soul. Try not to react to such provocations.
Step 2
Firmly prohibit what you think is unnecessary or dangerous. But be sure to explain in detail the reason for the refusal. Make sure that the child understands why he cannot take the third candy if he already ate two a minute ago.
Step 3
Don't turn your toddler into a showcase of your accomplishments. Even if your financial capabilities allow you to buy a toy store, it is better not to do this. It is very easy to form a dependence on material pleasures, which will ruin the future life of the beloved heir. Teach a young person to evaluate himself and people not by material, but by moral qualities.
Step 4
Determine the parameters for raising your baby. Build relationships with other relatives so that the child does not suffer from conflicting demands. For example, the words of the mother should not differ from the decision of the father. Only in this case your baby will be able to adequately behave in any situation, be guided by logic and obey generally accepted rules.
Step 5
The willingness of adults to give up benefits for the sake of the child's convenience, forms in him selfish inclinations. Of course, I really want to cook a special treat for my pet, send it to a prestigious camp. But you should not do this by infringing on other family members in some way.
Step 6
Do not hide your feelings, talk about how dear the little person is to you. Let your baby feel the meaning of your friendship and affectionate relationship. Do not be afraid to spoil you with love and attention. Emphasize how important it is to be involved in family affairs together. Establish a reasonable limiting framework for your baby, but recognize and respect his right to self-will.