Crying, screaming and the constant "want" from a capricious child will drive anyone crazy. Being spoiled in childhood develops into a rather difficult character and a feeling of permissiveness in adulthood. Therefore, one of the most important attitudes in the process of raising children is the parents' awareness of the need to build "boundaries" for their babies.

Step 1
Do not seek to place your child at the center of the family's life. By making it the main value, you run the risk of ending up with everything revolving around it. Do not give up your own affairs and interests to please the baby. An excess of care and affection is just as harmful as a lack of them. Explain and show your child that sometimes you need to wait, endure, and not distract your parents.
Step 2
Develop a common position in education with all relatives involved in this process. If the mother scolds the child for the spilled compote, but the grandmother strokes the head, he simply will not understand that he did something wrong. Wrong actions should be clearly outlined, vague concepts here will only harm.
Step 3
Teach your child to understand the words no and no. Developing a sense of permissiveness in him, as a result, you will grow up an absolutely spoiled teenager, and later - an adult egoist. Do not indulge every whim, accustom him to refusals and prohibitions.
Step 4
Encourage good deeds, remembering to scold for bad. If the kid did something good or right, be sure to mark it. Bad behavior becomes an occasion to talk to him and explain that this should not be done. Under no circumstances use slaps on the butt or head pads. So you will only show your weakness and inability to raise your own child.
Step 5
Give him at least some degree of independence in certain matters. Parents don't have to be around all the time, watch every step and point out what needs to be done and what can be done now. Let your baby play on his own, put away toys, choose clothes and other little things that will allow him to learn not to depend on you.
Step 6
Don't reward every right move with gifts. This practice will not do you any good. Correct behavior should become the norm, not an exception for which you can get a new toy. Good behavior is judged by words and affection from parents, not material goods.
Step 7
Don't be manipulated by crying. The child always knows how to put pressure on the parent. And the first way for him is to throw a tantrum, and eventually get his own. Of course, it hurts to see his face in tears, but you have to endure. Let your baby understand that crying will not work. Over time, this practice will become a thing of the past.