A child's birthday is an important event for the whole family. Despite their age, the younger generation is delighted with the festive mood in the air. You can support him throughout the day and congratulate the child with dignity in different ways. The choice is always yours.

Step 1
Give him what he dreams of. Waiting for a child's birthday is associated with the realization of the dream of owning something. Most likely, he repeatedly mentioned a robot, a typewriter, a doll or something else, but you could ignore it. Therefore, directly ask what he wants to receive, asking him to name several options for a gift. So you will meet the child's expectations in any case.
Step 2
Arrange little surprises all day long. If the main gift does not come as a big surprise, you will have to come up with several others. You can give your child small gifts all day: not expensive things, but those that will delight him and show your love. For example, cut out medals from paper and hand them to him for the soup he has eaten, the removed toy, or some other act. Or buy a few small cakes, place candles on them and give them all day, smoothly leading up to the birthday cake.
Step 3
Invite his friends to celebrate the holiday together. If your kid is socially active since childhood and has many friends, it is worth organizing a holiday for everyone. You can do everything in secret from the child, or make a guest list with him. The party can be arranged both at home and in an entertainment venue. It is important that the right atmosphere is created. This can be done using balloons, posters and other attributes of the birthday.
Step 4
Order a clown and / or life size puppets. Surprise your child by giving him a real holiday. A clown with a funny program, an animator with a script specially created for children - professionals in their field know how to leave pleasure to the little ones and make their birthday unforgettable.