Worms can develop in animals, adults and children. Unfortunately, in second place after animals, helminthiasis is observed in babies. Treatment of worms in children is a whole complex of measures that is prescribed by a specialist.

How do worms appear in a child
The incidence of helminth infections in children is high due to the fact that babies are not always able to observe hygiene measures. In addition, it is common for them to taste various objects or put dirty hands in their mouths. Thus, the larvae of the worms most often enter the young organism.
In children, the most common helminths are:
- Tapeworms - dwarf tapeworm, echinococcus, tapeworm, pork tapeworm.
- Sosalschiki - Siberian and liver flukes.
- Roundworms - whipworm, roundworm, trichinella, pinworm.
Also, doctors distinguish between the intestinal type and the extraintestinal type of worms. The first include giardia, which is very common in children.
Helminths can appear in a child's body at any age. There are cases when the presence of worms is diagnosed even in infants.
Infection with worm eggs can occur in one of several ways:
- Unwashed hands.
- Insufficiently peeled vegetables, berries and fruits.
- Contact with an infected animal.
- Playing in sand infested with worm larvae.
Symptoms of worms in children
The clinical picture is often rather blurred. Sometimes parents find out about the presence of parasites in a child only after they come out with the child's feces.
The following symptoms of worms in a child are observed:
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
- Losing weight even if you have a good appetite.
- Itching in the anus, body allergies.
- Increased salivation.
- Dark circles under the eyes, pallor of the skin, poor condition of nails and hair.
- Early caries.
- General weakness, capricious behavior, disturbed sleep.
Treatment of worms in children
Treatment for worms in children consists of adding special products, using anthelmintic drugs and keeping the house clean. The last point is a standard prophylaxis that must be followed regardless of the presence or absence of helminths:
The following drugs are considered the most popular for the treatment of worms in children:
- From 6 months - the drug Pirantel. It has analogues such as Helmintox and Nemocid.
- For children from 2 years old - Vormil, Sanoxal, Albendazole, Mebex, Gelmodol, Mebendazole and others.
- For children over 3 years old - Levamisole.
Enzyme preparations are also used - Pancreatin, Mezim and Creon, with a course of 14 days. And for the quick elimination of toxins - Smecta, Enterosgel or Entngin. To normalize the condition, it is proposed to drink vitamins.
A set of medicines should be selected strictly by a doctor. Parents can choose a drug from another type of worm, and as a result, the treatment will not lead to anything good, and may worsen the child's condition with additional pharmacological load.
Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of worms in children
Some parents, when treating a child for helminths, turn their attention to homeopathy. Among this group of drugs, the following can help get rid of worms:
- Spigelia.
- Qing.
- Natrum Phosphoricum.
- Calcarea.
- Pomegranate.
Prevention of worms in children
Prevention of the treatment of worms in children does not require taking any medications. This is a competent attitude to hygiene and nutrition:
- After every walk and visit to the toilet, you should wash your hands with soap and water.
- It is good to wash vegetables and fruits.
- Do not consume raw water.
- Carefully process meat, poultry and fish.
- Do general cleaning at regular intervals.
- Wash and wash toys.