How To Protect An Infant From Colds And Flu?

How To Protect An Infant From Colds And Flu?
How To Protect An Infant From Colds And Flu?

All children more or less often, but get sick with colds and flu. While the baby is at a very tender age, mothers and fathers are not at all ready for these misfortunes. The baby cannot even say that he is in pain, and a stuffy nose prevents him from eating and sleeping. What to do? Try to prevent the onset of the disease.

How to protect an infant from colds and flu?
How to protect an infant from colds and flu?

If you can, breastfeed your baby. Try to maintain lactation. Mom's milk is a miracle cure, the most delicious, pleasant and convenient medicine that increases immunity and provides the child with antibodies, especially if the mother herself is sick. Do not forget that when you yourself have a cold, you do not need to wean your baby.

Shopping malls, public transport, hospitals and other crowded places are rich in a variety of bacteria and viruses. Try not to go there unnecessarily. And if you really need to go shopping, stay away from those who sneeze and cough, and wash your hands often and thoroughly after handling doorknobs, handrails, and money. It is better not to take the child out of the stroller. This will keep him at a greater distance from the possible source of the disease.

But the "infection" can knock on your door too. These can be guests or relatives, as well as dad or older children. There is always a high chance of picking up something at school or at work. Guests need to explain that they should not contact the child, but it is better to go altogether next time. Do not be ashamed, it should not be you, but them. And dad with a son or daughter, you won't ask to come later. Here special masks are used (stock them up in advance, anything can happen) and reduce contact with the baby to the possible minimum. Also, be attentive to cleanliness of hands and common items. Patients should have their own dishes.

Cleanliness and fresh air in the room is always necessary for every member of the family. But during illness, these requirements are especially relevant. When going outside, open the windows and ventilate the apartment.

A good folk remedy is garlic. It doesn't smell very good, but it scares off not only fictional vampires, but also real pests of human health. We will not list all the enemies of garlic, this list is too long. Parents will love a couple of hot borscht cloves, and for a baby, make a garlic necklace and hang it over the crib. You can also cut a couple of prongs and put them on a platter in the room where you usually spend time.

In the season of colds, the timely hardening of the baby will also help you. Those who are wrapped up and hidden by their parents from any breeze get sick more often than those who are open and barefoot. I do not urge you to take your child out into the street in one diaper in the cold, but it is better not to neglect recommendations about the air temperature and the number of layers of clothing. And if you break them, then undressing, and not putting on an extra blouse. Long walks and swimming in lukewarm water will make your baby a tough nut to crack.

Don't forget to be in a good mood. Smile and laughter are excellent weapons against all misfortunes. Dress correctly, temper, smile and be healthy!
