Means For Strengthening Immunity In Children Against Colds, Flu, ARVI

Means For Strengthening Immunity In Children Against Colds, Flu, ARVI
Means For Strengthening Immunity In Children Against Colds, Flu, ARVI

The child's immunity is very fragile. It must be carefully monitored and, if necessary, increased. If the baby constantly has colds, flu, viral diseases, it is necessary to choose homeopathic or immunomodulatory agents for full therapy. The selection of the drug must be carried out very carefully, preferably together with a professional.

Means for strengthening immunity in children against colds, flu, ARVI
Means for strengthening immunity in children against colds, flu, ARVI

The child's immune system is a very delicate mechanism that is easily disturbed by negative external factors. Children susceptible to overprotection or genetically prone to increased morbidity suffer from a lack of immunity. Deficiency is expressed in frequent outbreaks of colds, SARS, respiratory viral diseases.

Children with reduced immunity are those who, under the age of 5, are ill more than 5 times a year, and from 5 - more than 4 times. If your child has been diagnosed with reduced immunity, the problem cannot be ignored. It is necessary to take a course of drugs or vitamins that will restore the body's natural defenses and help to get sick less often. How to choose a drug and help a child to strengthen immunity as simply as possible is described below.

Types of immunity-enhancing agents

Before buying medicines, you must first of all decide which drug is needed for a small patient. Different types of therapy have different effects on the child's body. In terms of form, immunomodulatory agents are classified as follows:

  1. Tablets (immunomodulators, homeopathic medicines). These drugs are taken orally, absorbed within 1-2 hours. The course of admission is usually 2 weeks or a month. They differ in average efficiency. It is recommended to use it only after consulting a doctor. They help children whose immunity is reduced as a result of malnutrition, heredity.
  2. Vitamin complexes are not always able to help a child. Not suitable for babies whose defenses have weakened due to neoplasms, kidney disease or other internal organs. Effective for vitamin deficiency.
  3. Immune injections. A cardinal measure that is prescribed only to patients with extremely weak protection. It is forbidden to use at home, so injections are given only in a hospital or medical institution.
  4. Folk remedies. Tea with lemon, honey, garlic or a couple of horseradish and potatoes are suitable for children with a temporary decrease in immunity due to a short-term virus, a bad environment.

The selection of an immune agent should be in accordance with the recommendations of a physician. First of all, it is necessary to undergo an examination, during which the therapist will identify the main cause of the immunodeficiency. It can be an acute disease of organs, oncology, genetic predisposition, viral infections, lack of hardening, etc. Each cause requires a different method of treatment.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy is good because it suits almost all patients. Means of this orientation rarely cause allergies, have almost imperceptible side effects. They are suitable for allergy sufferers and weakened children (except in cases where there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug).

Oscillococcinum is considered the leading remedy for children. Children will love this product due to its unusual shape. The active substance is formed into small balls, which taste as close as possible to sugar. They can be sucked under the tongue or diluted with water. The drug is ideal for babies who overeat or eat improperly, rarely go outside - that is, for those whose immune problems are not caused by genetics or a third-party ailment.

Another popular option is Immunal. The preparation is based on calendula extract and has a specific taste reminiscent of coffee. It will be more difficult to give it to a child, especially a capricious one. However, it contains more nutrients. The tablets are taken several times a day in accordance with the instructions. It is recommended to give it to school-age children, and for babies, choose a milder remedy.


Children with serious illnesses or genetic predisposition cannot make up for the lack of immunity with simple vitamins or with the help of homeopathy. They will need more drastic therapy. Immunomodulators are ideal for long-term boosting of immune defenses. The drugs act on the child's body at the structural level, closing the gap in his "protective field". This therapy can significantly increase the level of resistance to cold, drafts and stress for a long period of time. Immunomodulators are many times more effective than dietary supplements.

Parents can choose from a variety of medications:

  • "Likopid";
  • "Timogen";
  • "Imunoriks";
  • "Taktivin";
  • and others.

Preference should be given to those funds that are based on the secrets of the thymus gland.

Folk remedies

For home treatment, you can use some plants, vegetables and herbs that are not harmful to the child, but have an antiseptic and firming effect. The main thing is that the child is not allergic to the item being used. Traditional medicine offers many options for how to easily and cheaply strengthen the immune system in children:

  • Tinctures and teas. Chamomile tea, herbal tea from various herbs, brewed lemon balm and mint are good for viral diseases and increase endurance. They are easy to drink and do not cause side effects.
  • Couples of vegetables. Warm potatoes, grated horseradish or chopped onions can be held near the nose for a while to destroy all microbes in the mucous membrane and thus prevent disease. This method helps to reduce sensitivity to cold. But the child should not be allowed to breathe horseradish or onions for too long. This can lead to burns of the mucous membrane. If the baby protests, says that it hurts him even to inhale the vapors twice, the procedure should be stopped immediately.
  • Lemon. Lemon juice can be added both to tea and to salads, muesli. It contains a large amount of vitamin C.
  • Citrus. Oranges and grapefruits should be served freshly chopped. Do not give too much fruit, because a child with poor immunity very often has diathesis.

These folk recipes can be used without consulting a doctor, since they are based on the ingestion of common, non-hazardous foods. But if someone offers you more sophisticated methods of home medicine, then prior consultation is required.

Breast milk as a way to improve the immunity of infants

The level of immune protection is laid in early childhood, when the baby is still drinking the mother's milk. It is with him that the main protection mechanisms are transferred. If the baby was weaned from the mother for various reasons, and at the moment is still drinking artificial milk and has begun to get sick too often, he should be offered a natural liquid. If the mother simply does not have milk, you can hire a wet nurse.

Children who have gone through breastfeeding are sick 3-4 times less than their peers who drank artificial formula.

Increasing immunity is not an easy task, and sometimes it is impossible to achieve noticeable results without injections and serious drugs. In this case, you do not need to continue taking conventional homeopathic remedies and weak antiviral medicines. An urgent need to see a doctor, because a chronic, untreatable decrease in immunity can be a sign of a serious illness.
