How To Strengthen Children's Immunity

How To Strengthen Children's Immunity
How To Strengthen Children's Immunity

Parents try by any means to protect babies from influenza, but the child's body often cannot cope with viruses and infections on its own. To prevent the child from becoming infected, you need to strengthen his immunity. Hardening, physical education, folk remedies and vitamins will help parents in this.

How to strengthen children's immunity
How to strengthen children's immunity

If a child is often sick, he has drowsiness, weakness and fatigue, an urgent need to help the child's immunity. Some parents mistakenly think that vitamins or going to the pool are enough, but only an integrated approach will help.

If a child goes to kindergarten, his day is organized correctly, that is, walks, sleeping and feeding every day occur at the same time. If the baby does not attend preschool, then parents should take care of this issue. It is important that children sleep twice a day and eat well.

The diet should contain foods containing prebiotics and probiotics. It is better to exclude sausages, canned food, sausages and marinades. Fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, cereals, prunes, raisins, cheese, dairy products and lean meat will help to strengthen the immune system.

Exercise and hardening will help to improve the health of the child. These treatments reduce the risk of contracting viral diseases and activate antibodies and cells that fight infections. Pediatricians advise walking with the child for at least 3 hours a day, doing exercises and hardening every day. It can be air and water. In the first case, air and sun baths are carried out, it is also necessary to do exercises in the fresh air in the warm season, allow the baby to run barefoot on the sand and grass.

Water hardening is possible only if the child is not afraid of this procedure. It should be carried out every day at the same time, starting with a temperature of 30 ° C, and then gradually lowering it.

Parents can make healthy and tasty jams with cranberries, apples and walnuts. For 1 kg of berries, you will need 2 cups of peeled walnuts and 5 green apples.

The nuts are chopped and mixed with mashed cranberries, the apples are washed and cut into small cubes, added to the rest of the ingredients. All products are poured into a saucepan, add 1 glass of water and sugar, mix well. And when the mixture boils, it is removed from the heat, cooled and poured into jars. To strengthen immunity, it is given to the child 2 times a day, 1 tbsp.

Desserts made from nuts and dried fruits are rich in vitamins. A remedy made from honey, walnuts and dried apricots will help protect the child from the flu. All products need to be taken 100 g each, passed through a meat grinder with lemon and given to the baby 1 tsp. in a day.
