With the advent of the baby, a large number of questions appear in the minds of the parents. The most exciting of them is how to make your child less sick? Our theme is strengthening the immunity of the child.

You have a baby. You, of course, as the most caring and loving parents, want him to grow up strong and healthy. And for this, as you probably know, it is necessary to strengthen the baby's immune system.
What is immunity? This is, simply put, a barrier from any harmful effects that every person has. And just in order for this barrier to be stable and impenetrable, it is necessary to strengthen it.
One of the ways to strengthen is hardening. According to doctors, hardening can and should be started almost from the very birth of the baby, of course, provided that the body of the newborn is in perfect order.
You need to start with simple and daily procedures - swimming and walking in the fresh air at any time of the year. You can bathe every day. You can simply gradually lower the comfortable water temperature of 37-38 degrees or take a contrast shower. Quite a lot has been written and said about this. I even think that this is a topic for a separate article.
Of course, you should not take your child out for a walk in the winter with strong winds and low temperatures, but it all depends on age. The older the baby, the lower the temperature outside can be. For example, a newborn baby who is not even a month old already at -5 will be uncomfortable.
In the summer, try to be outside as often and as long as possible. It is imperative to ventilate the room, it is advisable to make a draft, provided that the child is not in the room.
Another way to harden a child is air baths. The next time you change your baby's clothes, just leave him naked. For a start, a few minutes will be enough, and then the procedure time is gradually increased, bringing to 15. The child should be comfortable, he should not cry in any case, this means that he is cold and he is trying to keep warm.
The most important thing when hardening is to monitor the condition of your child, how he eats, sleeps and gains weight. The hardening procedures must be discontinued if you notice that:
- the child has a fever or other symptoms of a cold;
- the child has ceased to be in weight;
- the child began to sleep restlessly.
And most importantly, hardening should give the baby pleasure, there is no need to be zealous if he resists.