Hardening The Child

Hardening The Child
Hardening The Child

Water hardening is a simple and affordable procedure that helps to heal the baby's body. Most parents do not know where to start hardening their child. It turns out that everything is simple.

Hardening the child
Hardening the child

Water hardening begins exclusively with rubdowns in strict order from top to bottom: neck, arms, chest and back, and last of all legs. Rub the skin, lightly massaging it and moving towards the center, for example, from the palm to the shoulder joint. The initial temperature for hardening the child with water should be 35 degrees, after five days the indicator can be reduced by one degree.

Provided that the child does not have any negative reactions to rubdown, douche can be used. Their scheme is similar. For babies, douche is carried out immediately after bathing, and for older children, douche can be used as a separate procedure. Pediatricians advise to douche in the warm season in the fresh air. Showering is very effective for poor appetite and childhood obesity.

If a full douche has an aggressive effect on the child, you can try dousing the legs. The temperature regime for these procedures should be 30 degrees, but over time it can be reduced to 16. For pouring water over the legs, it is very important to use a special stand. After pouring, the legs are rubbed so that a slight redness appears on them. When pouring, care must be taken so that the child does not overcool.
