When a child is born, in many families the question inevitably arises of how to protect the baby from disease. Often babies get sick in the first year of life, at this time they develop their own immunity, so it is very important to start strengthening the body from the very first days after birth. The easiest way to strengthen the immune system is hardening.

Step 1
Small children can be tempered even in the maternity hospital. To do this, do not swaddle the baby too tightly, do not put warm socks and a cap on his legs. If the child was born in winter, you can use only a chintz diaper instead of a flannel diaper, and in the summer, you can do with one diaper and thin cotton socks. The optimum temperature for newborns in the room is 21 degrees.
Step 2
During the first bathing, it is necessary to add potassium permanganate to the water to treat the umbilical wound. The water temperature is recommended to be 37-36 degrees Celsius. Reduce the temperature by one degree every day, and at the end of bathing, make it a rule to rinse the child with water 35-34 degrees Celsius. In addition, during hygiene procedures, wipe the child with a terry mitten moistened with water, the temperature of which is not higher than 33 degrees.
Step 3
Perform the following procedure every day. Take the baby's hand and, starting from the fingers, wipe it up to the shoulder with a wet damp cloth, and then rub it with a dry terry towel until a slight appearance of redness. In this way, massage the whole body, paying particular attention to the feet, palms and tummy. Let the baby lie down naked for a few minutes, only then should he be dressed.
Step 4
Give your baby air baths more often. To do this, undress the child completely for 5-10 minutes two to three times a day. At this time, you can massage the child, play with him or feed him. The main thing is that the baby's body is completely naked.
Step 5
When the child gets older, you can start pouring. Start with warm water at 36 degrees. After each water procedure, rinse the child, starting from the neck and below with water, and gradually reduce the temperature of the water to 20 degrees over the course of three days. You should not go below this limit so that the baby does not freeze. The procedure should not last more than one minute.
Step 6
Immediately wipe the baby's skin with a warm terry towel. Then give him a warm drink and dress him. Before going to bed, pour cool water on the baby's feet, gradually lowering the degree, but not below 16.
Step 7
They strengthen immunity well and temper the body by walking in the fresh air. You should walk with your child in any weather, regardless of his age, at least twice a day for 2-3 hours.
Step 8
Try hardening your throat to make it resistant to infection and prevent future tonsillitis, sore throats, and pharyngitis. To do this, during the morning toilet, let the child gargle with water at room temperature, gradually reducing the degree for 5 minutes.
Step 9
By hardening a child from an early age, you are laying the foundation for his health in the future.