How To Protect Your Child From Colds

How To Protect Your Child From Colds
How To Protect Your Child From Colds

Is it possible to save a child from colds? Everything, as they say, is in your hands. Every mother, for sure, has her own secrets and I am no exception. Here are a few of them, I think they will be useful.

How to protect your child from colds
How to protect your child from colds

Everyone knows that you need to walk with your child so that he grows up strong and healthy, but you also need to walk properly. When you are going for a walk, do not try to dress your child warmer, especially if he is not sitting in a stroller, but running down the street. After all, a child who is sweating will get sick faster, a cool breeze is enough. If you come home and notice that your child's back is damp, be sure to change his clothes and dress them lighter next time. Yes, and you can't cover your baby's face with a scarf while breathing moist air, he can easily catch a cold.

When, after returning home from a walk, you notice that the child's legs and arms are cool, you need to grind them as quickly as possible. For this you can purchase a special children's warming ointment, Barsukor, for example. You can do it without ointment - with your own hands, until the arms and legs get warm. Or put them under warm water to keep them warm too. After these procedures, give your baby a warm drink, for example, tea with rose hips or raspberries.

Of course, in order for children to get sick less often, they need to be tempered from birth, but we will talk about this in a separate article.

Another important point. When it is very hot in the apartment, it is already winter outside, and you took the child outside, there is a large fluctuation in temperature. Therefore, maintain a comfortable temperature in the room - 22-24 degrees. After all, while you are dressing the baby, he will float, and he will quickly freeze on the street. And don't forget to ventilate the house while you're out and about.
