You cannot make such decisions on your own. To accept or not - this can only be decided by a medical specialist. But every mother should know everything about the natural healer called "Mumiyo".

Shilajit is a product that consists of organic matter and minerals at the same time. This combination of substances provides its unique beneficial effect on the human body, and it can be used by both adults and children.
No one can give exact answers to the question of how exactly the mummy is formed. It is only known for certain that in places of its accumulation, as a rule, pigeons, bats, squirrels live and medicinal herbs grow. Outwardly, the mummy looks like resinous deposits in cracks in rocks, deposits in the form of smudges and dark brown crusts on stones. Deposits of this unique substance are found in Iraq, India, Australia and Indonesia, Nepal and Afghanistan, China and Mongolia. Its reserves are very limited and new deposits appear at the collection sites only after several decades. Not so long ago, deposits were discovered on the territory of Russia, more precisely in Transbaikalia, Siberia and the Caucasus.
The composition of the mummy is unique - it includes all types of acids necessary for human health and youth (amino, fatty and organic), phospholipids, tannins, essential oils, vitamins of group B, C and E, P, almost all types of trace elements, enzymes, alkaloids and other substances.
Shilajit helps the body fight inflammations of any origin, perfectly acts as a wound healing and strengthening agent for the bone system, has an antibacterial and antiviral effect, strengthens the immune system, restores cells of any tissue, relieves pain and spasms, and even reduces the harmful effects of radiation. We can safely say that the mummy is able to overcome any ailment.
Tinctures, ointments and even the substance in its pure form is widely used in traditional medicine, as an adjunct to the main treatment. It is used in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems, almost all types of dermatological diseases, urinary and reproductive systems, respiratory and hematopoietic organs, visual apparatus, including in the treatment of children.
Mumiyo has no contraindications and its use does not cause any side effects. It is thanks to these unique qualities that it can be used in the treatment of young children, but only a pediatrician who observes the baby can prescribe drugs with its content and draw up a scheme for their use.
Most often, water, oil or honey solutions of mummy are prepared for children, and they are used as external agents, for example, for colds, allergic skin rashes or purulent abscesses, cuts, fractures, or to relieve toothache. The ingestion of any product containing mummy for children under 12 years old without the supervision of a medical specialist is unacceptable.
Even when prescribing a course of treatment by a doctor, it is important to pay attention to the concentration of mummy in the preparation. Children under 1 year old should not receive more than 0.02 g of the substance at a time, up to 9 years old - 0.05, and up to 12 years old - 0.1 g. Children 12-14 years old can receive mummy in the same amount as and adults, but only if their body weight is more than 50 kg.