Many mothers, especially young ones, try to feed their child as soon as he cries, makes his mouth "am-am" and begins to greedily suck on the nipple. But do all these signs mean that the baby is hungry? How do you know if your child is hungry?

It should be said that the above signs are not always evidence that the child is hungry. He can cry for a variety of reasons: from longing for his mother (what if she didn't take him for a long time?) To the fact that, God forbid, something hurts him. Do "am-am" with your mouth or eagerly suck on the nipple - because his teeth will soon crawl or wants to poop.
So how do you know what your child wants to eat?
In fact, there are no universal recipes here. Some babies show that they are hungry by sticking out their tongue, others - with strong continuous crying, others - with both at once. The fourth is by sticking fists into the mouth or protruding the tongue. You just need to learn to understand your child. Or you can try another method: come up and stroke his cheek. If the baby turns his head to the side of his hands and opens his mouth slightly, then it's time to feed him (this is how the sucking reflex works).
How to understand that the child is full?
This is very simple to do. If he is full, he will:
- spitting out the breasts or nipple of a bottle and turning away from them,
- fall asleep immediately (as an option - he will start smiling);
- calmly withstand long breaks between feedings (up to 3 hours).
By paying attention to all these signs, you can learn to understand when the child is hungry and when he does not. Love your little ones, feel all their needs in your heart and be happy!