Children's enuresis is a fairly common disease and sometimes drives parents to despair. But do not give up, because today there are modern means of dealing with this ailment, one of which is a urinary alarm clock.

How it works
A urinary (bedwetting) alarm is an electronic device that teaches a child to wake up when the bladder is full. These devices are of several types, but their principle of operation is always the same: the system includes a humidity sensor and a signaling device, which are connected by wire or wirelessly. When even a drop of moisture gets on the sensor, the signal is triggered.
Benefits of a urinary alarm clock for children: young patients develop a habit of waking up before an "accident" occurs. Parents do not need to get up at night and wake up the child, the alarm clock teaches him to do without outside help. Usually this device does not cause rejection even among preschoolers. Most of these devices have a vibration mode that allows you to do without unnecessary noise when visiting or on vacation. The child gets rid of the complexes associated with the "indecent" disease.
Will a bedwetting alarm help?
Urinary alarm clocks began to be actively used in the 80s of the last century in the UK and are still popular around the world. According to the American Medical Association, they are more than 97% effective. However, treatment with these devices requires the active participation of the patient, therefore it is better to use them from 5-6 years of age.
An enuresis alarm clock is sometimes the only remedy that helps to cure bedwetting in a schoolchild. But for the device to be as effective as possible, it is important to choose it correctly.
Choosing an alarm clock for bedwetting
When buying a urinary alarm clock, you need to consider the age, weight, height, sensitivity to sounds and other characteristics of the child. For example, an alarm mat is not suitable for restless kids who are spinning in bed and can slide off the rug.
There are wired devices in which the sensor is attached to the underwear, and the alarm itself is attached to the collar of the pajamas. When choosing such devices, it is important to consider that they are light, and the wire is not too short, so as not to impede movement. There are also wireless urinary alarms for enuresis, in which the sensor is also attached to the panties, and the signaling device itself can be placed at some distance.
The volume and sound of the device also matter. Some of them only make a sound, others may vibrate, signal with light, or combine different signals to wake up those who are sleeping very soundly.