How To Choose A School Uniform

How To Choose A School Uniform
How To Choose A School Uniform

Before the start of the new school year, it's time to take care of the school supplies, which include the school uniform. How to make the right choice of shape?

How to choose a school uniform
How to choose a school uniform

So far, not all schools in Russia have introduced a single uniform, which must be made according to individual sizes and in a certain color scheme. There is no uniform style. If your child goes to school where there are no special requirements for uniforms, parents need to choose the style and color themselves.

Particular attention should be paid to the material from which the form is made. The fabric should combine natural and synthetic fibers approximately 50 to 50. Of course, natural materials are much more pleasant to the body, but cotton items quickly wrinkle, lose their color and shape. It is also not worth choosing completely synthetic clothing, since the skin will not breathe, and this can lead to hypothermia, allergic reactions and other negative consequences. Therefore, a reasonable middle ground in such a matter will be very useful.

Whether to buy a form for growth, each parent decides for himself. On the one hand, it is more economical, on the other hand, initially the form will look ugly large, and then worn. As for the style, it is also a matter of taste. In clothing stores, as well as specialized school uniform stores, there is a huge number of different styles of trousers and skirts, sundresses and dresses, jackets and suits for girls and boys. If a schoolchild trusts the choice to his parents, this is good, but most often teenagers choose clothes themselves, since not only convenience and practicality are important for them, but also fashion.

If the school charter does not specify the color of the uniform, then choose it at your discretion. The most practical options are green, blue, gray and black. When choosing, pay attention to the label on which it is indicated how to care for the thing.

A school uniform is not just a mandatory attribute, but also a way of a child's self-expression, an opportunity to somehow stand out from the crowd. Therefore, children need to choose a school uniform that is beautiful, practical, comfortable and safe for health.
