Social status largely determines the behavior of a person, his relationship with the people around him. The material component can affect the personal life of a woman and a man.

Difficulties in personal life
Financially secure women can hardly arrange their personal life. Finding a partner is not easy because the requirements for him are too high. At the very least, he must also be financially wealthy in order to avoid conflicts in the future over money. A man, in turn, can be complex, because he earns little and is forced to be in the care of his wife. This leads to discord in family relationships.
Wealthy women very often fall for the tricks of gigolos. This is a category of men leading an opportunistic lifestyle. They fully meet their needs at the expense of the woman, and in return they pay with care and their good attitude. Cases of fraud are not excluded, when a man rubs himself into trust, and then steals a woman at an opportunity. A lady should burn herself once, and then she will suspect everyone of selfish thoughts, thereby putting an end to her personal life.
Finding a free man, firmly on his feet, is also not easy. Basically, a person achieves such a social position at a respectable age, by which time he already has both children and a wife. And waiting for a long time until the beloved man earns a million is not the best idea, because the woman's age does not stand still, and you need to hurry up with the birth of children.
A strong character
Success in the professional field speaks of a strong character, fighting qualities and dedication. Therefore, I want to find a man morally stronger than himself so that he can cope with the obstinate character of his lady. A business woman wants to seem strong only in appearance, this is her defensive reaction, in fact, she would gladly give the reins to her man if he could manage them correctly.
Meeting all needs
When a person has everything, any of his whims and desires are fulfilled, then there is no room for a dream. Having achieved one goal, you need to shape another so that life does not turn into a meaningless existence. It is difficult to surprise and please a financially successful person. Expensive gifts, trips abroad, branded clothes - all this is in abundance, but a warm attitude, simple human communication without any self-interest and thoughts is not enough. There is a catch in everything, an encroachment on material wealth and the benefit of communicating with a successful person.
A wealthy woman will be doomed to loneliness if she does not know how to correctly set life priorities. Family happiness, the happiness of being a mother, cannot be bought for any money.